Animals are a very important part of our universe.All non-humans are entitled to the possession of their own lives and the need to avoid suffering.They should be afforded the same consideration as similar interest of humans.The maintenance of animals should not be viewed as property or used as food,clothing,research subjects,entertainments or beasts of burden.People should understand that even animals have rights to live on this Earth and they get hurt when abused.
So my blog's main intention is to make people realize that animals have equal rights to live on this planet just like us.So treat them good!
I am going to publish a few things in my blog to spread awareness.I hope at least by these things there's a bit of change in the mindset of humans and they start treating the animals better.
HUMANS think that they are superior and the rest of the lives on this Earth is Inferior.But there are no small lives,only small ideas about which lives deserve to matter.All animals are individuals whose lives are worth preserving.Where many would see a commodity with a certain monetary values,we should see a beautiful being who deserves life.
In this world the animals are treated very badly.Their condition due to these humans have become pathetic.Here are a few photographs related to that.
This picture tells us about how human beings to improve the way meat tastes and smells,torture the animal babies.
Baby piglets are castered without ANESTHESIA.This is a standard practice within the pig industry.
In China every year thousands of dogs are killed for a festival.One of the most horrible things a person can ever hear of.Here dogs are burnt alive,skinned,roasted and abused in many other ways. |
Well we've been abusing animals lets just see what would happen if they start doing the same.
Well now think about it.Would you enjoy your life if this happens with you?Then why expect them to tolerate??
Every person has the ability to create change.
Don't let social constructs refrain you from fighting for what you believe in.
Just because animals are silenced does not mean that you should stop defending them.They need us more than ever and your ability and empathy are what keeps us pumping.